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Welcome To
Rishacon Construction

The company aims to contribute to nation building affort by providing speedy execution and quality construction with safety at affordable cost.

About Us

Rishacon ConstructionPvt. Ltd. has innovative techniques and best construction pratices to provides cost effective solutions to construction needs. It has been instrumental in making our country infrastructure more efficient through Construction and Interior Design Services. We constructed landmark edifices across the country. Rishacon Constructiontouches our lives through landmark edifices including townships, tall buildings, hospitals, industrial units, and Interior Design services. Read More


We offer a full range of construction need such as Architural drawing, structural design, over all site execution work such as Foundation, Rcc- Work , Fininshing-work. We believe that the taller the building deeper foundation to be laid. Read More


We provides comprehensive Designing services that provide the best results for your project. Our Designe experts possess decades of desigining experience and apply this knowledge to the everyday challenges that owners, contractors, Read More

Who We are

Rishacon Construction has a unique business model, with proven expertise in innovative thinking, project and cost management.
We are focused on delivering high quality work within budgeted time and costs, as evident in the various accolades and repeat business.

Our key objectives have also been to continuously broad base the operating portfolio and enhance the order book, thus opening new avenues to growth and profitability. We have also developed an appropriate blend of entrepreneurs and hands on professionals, constantly thinking & executing innovative and cost effective solutions to clients' requirements.




Our Services

We are providing good & on time services to our valuable customers.
